3D Gallery


Andrzej Brych

About Author

Room 1

Room 2

Andrzej Brych

Urodzony 16/09/1963 w Polsce
W 1989 roku ukończyłem Akademię Muzyczną / klasa trąbki / w Poznaniu /Polska/.
W roku 2000 wyjechałem do Francji gdzie pracowałem jako muzyk w grupie teatralnej Footsbarn Travelling Theatre.
Od tego roku zacząłem malować moje portrety. Do dnia dzisiejszego namalowałem ich kilka tysięcy techniką olejną, akrylową oraz pastelami.
Każdy mój obraz to kawałek mojej osoby.
W ciągu 20 lat wystawiałem w Lyonie , Cannes, Arles, Paryżu,, Grenoble, Dives sur Mer.... i innych miastach Francji oraz Polski.
Muzykę skomponowała Hanna Brych - pianistka,absolwentka Akademii Muzycznej w Poznaniu / Polska/.

Andrzej Brych

Born on 16/09/1963 in Poland.
In 1989 I graduated from the Academy of Music / trumpet class / in Poznań / Poland /.
In 2000 I moved to France where I worked as a musician in the Footsbarn Traveling Theater. From this year on, I started painting my portraits. Until today, I have painted several thousand of them using oil, acrylic and pastel techniques.
Each of my paintings is a piece of my person.
For 20 years I have exhibited in Lyon, Cannes, Arles, Paris, Grenoble, Dives sur Mer .... and other cities in France and Poland.
The music was composed by Hanna Brych - pianist, a graduate of the Academy of Music in Poznań / Poland /.

Contact the author:    FB Andrzej Brych    E_ mail:brych.andrzej@gmail.com     mob: +33 648 98 93 01

Subject of our discussion is serie of portraits by Andrzej Brych.
Author says, that he sees himself in every portrait he've created,
It's very rare to see a viewer, which won't be impressed by this portraits - strong expression, thirst of artistic freedom, sadness and even tragism. This rich palete of feelings is gained by powerfull and expressive strokes, hard, dramatic lines, and colour mixing of wonderful beauty.
Not only sharpness but also wonderful colours make serie of portraits, presented in an exhebition, amazingly full - which shows us very expressive and harmonic world of an artist (author).
When we look at the portraits by A B , we see true face of artist reflected in many mirrors, we hear sounds of the trumpet accompanied with beautiful chords on grand piano - that is the world - the world, where artist lives and creaets his amazing pieces.

Art critic: I.G.