3D Gallery


Sohrab Huseynov

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2 room

Sohrab Ali oglu Huseynov.

Sohrab Huseynov an Azerbaijani artist is a graphic artist whose work covers such types of graphics as linocut, etching, woodcut, lithography, monotype and others.
Sohrab Huseynov was educated with a degree in easel graphics at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts (1981-1986) in the workshop of Dinara Nodia. Years of study left a deep mark in the work of the artist, characterized by a laconic graphic language of plastic images.
The main motifs of the artist's graphic sheets are scenes of modern life, landscapes of the village of Fakhraly (located on the territory of the Republic of Georgia). As well as the natural and industrial motives of Absheron and Baku.
A large place in the artist's work is occupied by graphic sheets on historical topics. The artist interprets the history of his people in a synthesis with national holidays and customs

Contact the author:   sohrabyaxalar@gmail.com     FB Söhrab Hüseynov